- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Meditative Spelunking
As you delve deeper into the subterranean world, a unique symphony of sounds unfolds around you. The first thing you might notice is the constant, rhythmic drip, drip, drip of stalactites and stalagmites, like a natural metronome. This steady beat is often accompanied by the gentle trickle, trickle of underground streams or the more forceful roar of hidden waterfalls.
The air seems to amplify every sound, creating a surreal echo chamber. The crunch of your boots on the rocky floor resonates throughout the cave, bouncing off the walls and ceiling. If you're lucky, you might hear the distant chirp of birds or the rustle of leaves from far above ground, filtering down through cracks and crevices.
Sometimes, the silence can be deafening. The only sound is your own breath, amplified in the stillness. Then, suddenly, a gust of wind might sweep through the cave, carrying with it the distant whoosh of subterranean air currents or the eerie creak of shifting rock.
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License details for "Meditative Spelunking"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Drops on Water by BBC Sound Effects +)
- Footsteps on Wet Gravel by dominik_W +)
- Footsteps with Echo by freesound.org +)
- Rain_drops_on_stone_tile by http://freesound.org/ +)
- Forest Light Rain by inchadney from freesound +)
- breeze full and soft by kyles from http://freesound.org +)
- fountain by Tritus from freesound.org +)
- Cave waterfall by willstepp +)